In church life, May and June are usually months of transition. The conclusion of Catechism classes and study society seasons gives way to public professions of faith as well as the turnover of office-bearers. With the current pandemic, much in church life has been disrupted. Here locally, however, the novel coronavirus has not appreciably interfered with the usual events occurring during the months of transition, with profession of faith being the notable exception. A lesser-known, but rather important occurrence during transition time is the completion of terms of service in various church committees, and the coincidental appointment of replacements to such committees. This did happen also this year at the usual time. And as it applies to our Foreign Mission Committee, the turnover was not insignificant. A total of four committee members concluded their respective terms: brothers Brian Bratcher, Henry Jansema (as council liaison), Arthur Kingma, and Jon Skinner. Those found able and  illing to replace them are brothers Ed Kelly Sr., Jeremy Muis, and Mark Vandervelde, with, thankfully, Jon Skinner being found willing to serve now as council liaison. Welcome aboard, all! As committee we gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the outgoing members, their valued service, and commitment to the work of supporting the church’s mission projects, and we wish them the blessings of the LORD moving forward. It is in the case of our brother Arthur Kingma that we may be doubly certain that he truly is enjoying greater blessing than any of us can imagine, the blessing of living now by sight in the immediate, glory-laden presence of his Lord and Saviour. Arthur’s graduation into glory happened unexpectedly, just two weeks after his final FMC meeting. Heaven’s gain, for which we rejoice and yet grieve at the same time, as it means a deep loss for those who loved him here. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with his wife Gloria, his children and grandchildren. May the Chief Shepherd bless and keep them all within his everlasting arm.

As committee, we offer to you the following update from Rev. Kampen on some of the work of the Study Centre in