About us

Welcome to the Dunnville Canadian Reformed Church

The Dunnville Canadian Reformed Church wants to be an important part of the Dunnville community. We believe that the message of the Gospel of salvation is the only true comfort and hope we have in this world and that this message needs to be heard. We hope you will come to hear faithful Bible preaching and to meet Christians who want to serve Jesus Christ and be a living part of his church.

A federated church, wanting local impact.

Our members are from Dunnville and from the Township of Wainfleet.

We are a ‘Reformed’ church, which means that our history and teaching are from the Great Reformation of the sixteenth century. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and contains all we need to know for salvation.

We believe that salvation is by grace alone in Jesus Christ. A detailed summary of what we believe is found in the three Forms of Unity, which are the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dordt.

Seeing that we are a small but growing federation of fifty-four churches, you may not have heard of us; however we would like to introduce ourselves to you in the hope that you may come to know who we are, and what we stand for.


God has placed us in this beautiful country with the calling to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, to live as respectable citizens, and to promote the coming of His kingdom.


Our roots go back to the great Reformation when God caused His church to return to the fundamentals (namely, scripture alone, faith alone, grace alone) of the Christian faith.


A gathering or community of people who believe in, worship, and witness to the Triune God, namely God the Father who has created us, God the Son who has redeemed us, and God the Holy Spirit who renews us.
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Any Questions?

Do you have questions?
visit us!

109 Inman Road
P.O. Box 51
Dunnville ON  N1A 2X1 

© 2023 –  All rights reserved.

Carefully crafted for Dunnville Canadian Reformed Church