Time again to bring you up to speed on some of the goings-on at the Reformational Study Centre. Before we get to Rev. Kampen’s update, we alert you to a turnover in our Foreign Mission Committee. This spring, Jon Skinner and Mark Vandervelde requested to be relieved of their duties on the Committee as, respectively, council liaison and secretary. In their place, the committee could welcome Don Bos and Ben VanRootselaar, with Ed Kelly Sr. moving over to the role of council liaison. Welcome, brothers, and we look forward to working together! It is also then prudent to acknowledge with sincere gratitude the labours of Jon and Mark during their time of service on the committee. We were blessed to have each of you involved in committee work for various lengths of time, as your various contributions have helped to advance our mandate, our work, and our service in the kingdom of our Lord! We commend you to the LORD and his grace as you continue to serve the church in the tasks he has called you to fulfill.

Let’s then move now to the report from Rev. Kampen regarding recent (and upcoming!) developments in his work at Study Centre.